How to Create Change Through Art | Creating a Ripple of Change - Podcast with Carrie Ziegler

It was an incredible honor to be featured on the Why Change? podcast by Creative Generation. I had such a fabulous conversation with Madeleine and really enjoyed listening to cohosts Jeff and Madeleine discuss what they got out of our conversation.

Here are a few takeaways from the podcast. Give it listen below! It’s also on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and HERE.

How to Create Change Through Art

Creating a Ripple of Change

The title of my podcast interview is Creating a Ripple of Change with Carrie Ziegler. In the podcast, we go into depth about a couple of my projects and the impacts they had. I love the parts of our conversation where we talk about how the choices we make have power that can ripple out far beyond where we can see.

When I choose to live my life believing that my actions, and the actions that the people I work with, and the actions of people doing the hard work all around the world, ripple outwards, creating a cascading effect that I may never know understand, I feel connected and engaged. It allows me to feel like I truly am contributing to the creation of this world that we so desperately want to have, a world where we all can thrive.

Deep Listening

Deep Listening, what Madeleine and Jeff call Contact Specific Listening, is incredibly important for creating impact with collaborative art. When we as artists take the time to understand what is going on in the communities we work in, we are able to meet them where they are, create rich conversation, and far-reaching impacts. If we were to take a project into a community without understanding their needs, values, and goals, our impact will be much less. I plan to dig into this in a future Journal entry, so stay tuned! 

Mentorship is on the Rise

Mentorship in the arts is on the rise around the world. And it is not a one-way street. When I mentor people, I am always amazed and grateful for how much I learn from them. I love how inspiration flows in these relationships.

In the podcast, we talk about how inspiration can become a living thing that flows back-and-forth and gets bigger and bigger; how it helps us to do more and more interesting and impactful work; how it encourages us to step more fully into what we need to do for this planet and for ourselves.

Speaking of Mentorship, if you haven’t yet set up a call with me to learn more about my special 3-month Art in Action Mentorship Program, you really have no excuses! I’m offering this on a Sliding Scale to anyone who mentions learning about it here. I only have 2 spots left, so set up your call now!

Click HERE to get on my calendar for a 30-minute, free Art in Action Discovery Call.

Take a listen to my Why Change? Podcast interview on Spotify and Apple Podcasts or HERE. Over the next few weeks, I plan to write more Journal entries, digging deeper into some of the ideas that arose during this conversation.

What do you want to read about in future Journal entries? Let me know in the comments below!


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