Writing from the art.

Moving From the Center and Into Action: Part 3
Of all of the places I could really move into action, why climate change? This is a question that I find somewhat difficult to answer as there are so many elements involved. Let’s see if I can break it down. It’s an opportunity for me to learn.

Moving from the Center and into Action: Part 2
Sometimes, when finding my center, I imagine myself in the radiant center of a flower, with the petals representing all of the different aspects of myself that I move in and out of all day long. Other times, it’s more like a hurricane.

Moving From the Center and Into Action: Part 1
Note: I wrote this piece a few weeks ago, then life happened. It’s the first in a 3-part series. I had this breakthrough the other day. It’s such a small thing, but sometimes these small things feel HUGE.
I used to strive for balance all of the time. It was a constant goal and a constant challenge. It took work. And I often felt like I wasn’t succeeding. Over the last few years I’ve come more and more to like the idea of finding my center.

The Joy of Uncertainty???
I heard myself say these words the other day: “I’m really enjoying the uncertainty in the direction of my creative business right now.” Whoa, where did that come from?! In the past, uncertainty has been a very uncomfortable place for me. Uncomfortable and sometimes terrifying! I think it has to do with not running away.

Did I Mention...
Did I mention that we had a baby? Seren Alma is almost 5 months old and I am so so so in love! Seren means Star and is pronounced like serenity, and Alma means Soul. She definitely has the Soul of a Star.

There is Something Big On the Horizon
It’s like when you’re driving across an open landscape and there is… something on the horizon, but you just can’t tell what it is yet, and the only way to find out is to keep heading in the same direction. That’s where I’m at today. I’ve opened myself to new possibilities. Some part of me said, “Just write that Blog, don’t worry about what comes from it. Don’t worry that your writing won’t be good, or no one will read it, or that you’ll start with such good intentions and then will... just... stop. Don’t worry about how this will change your business. Just believe that it WILL change things, that it WILL open new doors, doors that you don’t even know exist.

An Invitation
Hello Dear Friends! I am so excited to share with you a new, organic shift in my art business. In effect, I’m not entirely certain where this will take me, but it is time to set sail in a new direction, allowing myself and my business to unfold and evolve along the way. To that end, I am embarking on a journey in blog-land. It is my intention to write about my artful life and share stories with you a couple of times each week.